Successful implementation of self-management health innovations
Wilke van Beest (Lid Lectoraat); Wouter Boon (Onderzoeker); Ellen H. M. Moors (Onderzoeker); Gerrita van der Veen (Lector); Harald Pol (Onderzoeker); Daan Andriessen (Lector)
School-Based Physical Activity Interventions in Prevocational Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses
van de Kop, Joannis H. (Faculteit Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); van Kernebeek, Willem G.; Otten, Rene H.J.; Toussaint, Huub M.; Verhoeff, Arnoud P.
Supporting older adults in exercising with a tablet
Mehra, Sumit; Visser, Bart (Faculteit Gezondheid); Cila, Nazli; van den Helder, Jantine; Engelbert, Raoul HH; Weijs, Peter JM (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Kröse, Ben JA (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
Voting barriers and solutions: the experiences of people with disabilities during the Dutch national election in 2017
Suzanne van Hees; HR Boeije; I de Putter
A systematic review of palliative care tools and interventions for people with severe mental illness
Karin den Boer (Lid Lectoraat); Anke J.E. de Veer; Linda J. Schoonmade; Kim Verhaegh; prof. dr. B.K.G. (Berno) van Meijel (Lector); Anneke L. Francke
A conversation approach based on shared goal-setting and shared decision-making for nurses in cancer aftercare
Jolanda Friesen-Storms (Lid Lectoraat); Gerrie Bours (Lid Lectoraat); Ingrid Snijders; Trudy van der Weijden; Asiong Jie (Lid Lectoraat)
Analysis of the features important for the effectiveness of physical activity–related apps for recreational sports
Joan Dallinga; Mark Janssen; Jet van der Werf; Ruben Walravens; Steven Vos; Marije Deutekom
Analysis of the features important for the effectiveness of physical activity-related apps for recreational sports
Joan Dallinga; Mark Janssen; Jet van der Werf; Ruben Walravens; Steven Vos; Marije Deutekom
Differences in risk perception factors and behaviours amongst and within professionals and trainees in the aviation engineering domain
Chionis, Dimitrios; Karanikas, Nektarios
Tailored feedback requirements for optimal motor learning
Jos Goudsmit (Lid Lectoraat); Mark Janssen (Lid Lectoraat); Simone Luijten; Steven Vos (Lector)