Tailoring professional development for teachers in primary education: The role of age and proactive personality
Beatrice van der Heijden; Tinka van Vuuren; Annet de Lange; Dorien Kooij
Tailoring professional development for teachers in primary education: the role of age and proactive personality
Tinka van Vuuren; Beatrice van der Heijden; Dorien Kooij; Annet de Lange
Promoting science and technology in primary education
Rens Gresnigt; Ruurd Taconis; Hanno van Keulen (Lector); Koeno Gravemeijer; Liesbeth Baartman
Eliciting mentor and pre-service teachers’ practical knowledge using teacher-tagged classroom situations
Niek Bogert (Docent); Frank Crasborn (Lector); Jan van Bruggen (Lector); Wim M.G. Jochems
Career learning and career learning environment in Dutch higher education
M.A.C.T. (Marinka) Kuijpers (Lector); F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lector)
Pursuit of excellence in a networked society
Wolfensberger, Marca; Drayer, Lyndsay; Volker, Judith
Using teacher-generated tags of classroom situations to elicit mentor and pre-service teachers' practical knowledge
Dr. Frank Crasborn (Lector); MA Niek van den Bogert (Docent); Dr. Jan van Bruggen (Lector)
Digital Revolution: A report on the effectiveness of the use of ActivBoard in the classroom
Daphne Esveldt (Student); Hannie Lucassen (Begeleider)
Double knowledge creation: learning experiences from teachers doing their own practitioner research and experiences arising from the program for teacher practitioner research.
dr Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); dr.ir Quinta Kools (Lector)