Live Webinar on video teaching
Zac Woolfitt (Lid Lectoraat)
Improving pupils conceptual understanding by an in- and out-of-school science program
Steenbeek, Henderien (Youth, Education And Society); Doornenbal, Jeannette; van Geert, Paul; Geveke, Carla (Youth, Education And Society)
Catching the wave of video teaching
Zac Woolfitt (Student); Pieter Swager (Begeleider)
Development of a pre-service teacher training course on integration of ICT into inquiry based science education.
Tran, Trinh-Ba; van den Berg, Ed; Ellermeijer, Ton; Beishuizen, Jos; Dvořák, Leoš; Koudelková, Věra
Eliciting mentor and pre-service teachers’ practical knowledge using teacher-tagged classroom situations
Niek Bogert (Docent); Frank Crasborn (Lector); Jan van Bruggen (Lector); Wim M.G. Jochems
How to improve learning from video, using an eye tracker
de Boer, Jelle
Continuing professional development needs of teachers in schools for competence-based vocational education: A case study from The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Rob F. Poell; Dr. Audrey Seezink (Docent)