The convenient city: smart urbanism for a resilient city
Roggema, Rob; Biloria, Nimish
The power to define resilience in socialhydrological systems
Dewulf, A.; Karpouzoglou, T.; Warner, J.; Wesselink, A.; Mao, F.; Vos, J.; Tamas, P.; Groot, A.E.; Heijmans, A. (Onderzoeker); Ahmed, F.; Hoang, L.; Vij, S.; Buytaert, W.
Assessing the Impact of Extreme Droughts on Rural Areas of the Aspiring UNESCO Scheldt Delta Geopark
Justin 't Hart (Student); Lukas Papenborg (Begeleider); Walter Jonkers (Begeleider); Flavia Simona Cosoveanu (Begeleider)
International knowledge exchange on climate adaptation with the Climatescan platform
Boogaard, Floris
Costs and benefits of green roof types for cities and building owners
Sita H. van der Meulen (Lid Lectoraat)
Urbanism on water and ecology: The early example of Westerpark, Breda
Roggema, Rob; Roggema, Rob
Bijeenkomst klimaatadaptatie water natuurlijk
Roest, Allard
Exploitatie van het muZEEum
Onno Bakker (Begeleider); Kelly Verbeem (Begeleider); Jeroen Haans (Begeleider); Esra Koster (Student)
Research results of a new governance method in climate adaptation
Boogaard, Floris; Heikoop, Rick; Bosscher, Michael; Akkerman, Olof
Reasons to adapt to urban heat (in the Netherlands)
Klok, Lisette; Kluck, Jeroen (City Net Zero)