Het einde van de beleveniseconomie
Harald Pol (Lid Lectoraat)
Loes van Renswouw; Jasmijn Verhoef; Steven Vos; Carine Lallemand
Loes van Renswouw; Jasmijn Verhoef; Steven Vos; Carine Lallemand
Financing the circular economy in the tourism sector
Jin Hooi Chan; Angelo Sciacca; Anne-Marie Coles; Helen Roskam; Eline Brutyn; Athina Piterou; Ageeth van Maldegem; Eliane Métreau; Jacqueline Zavala; Dries Debruyne; Marijke Brinkman
Digitalising the product development of suits through the analysis of layered fabric properties
Svilokos, LV (Lily) (Student)
Intention of healthcare providers to use video-communication in terminal care a cross-sectional study
Postel, (Marloes) (Associate Lector); Bults, (Marloes) (Lid Lectoraat); Os - Medendorp, (Harmieke) van (Lector); Ouden, (Marjolein) den (Lector); Evering, (Richard) (Onderzoeker); Soer, (Remco) (Onderzoeker)
Cannabis users and stigma: A comparison of users from European countries with different cannabis policies
Skliamis, Kostas; Benschop, Annemieke (Faculteit Gezondheid); Korf, Dirk J
Educational needs, motives and experiences of sex care workers for people with disabilities in the Netherlands
S.R. Hilberink; H.A. van der Stege; Y. Kelders
The Urban Heat Atlas
Spanjar, Gideon (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Bartlett, Debbie; Schramkó, Sába (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Kluck, Jeroen (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad)
Connecting or Nonviolent Communication as a key to effective transdisciplinary communication and collaboration
S. Jedeloo; E.J.M. Bakker; P.D.D.M. Roelofs