Strategic marketing communication plan
Steven Assink (Student)
De onzichtbare hand van de klimaattafels
Visser, Martien (Energietransitie En Netwerken)
Internet of things
Buikema, R. (Student); Dirksen, M.
Vertical collaboration and an improved economic efficiency
Linde, A. van der (Student); Burgess, P.
“In the waves of change, we find our true direction”
Crystelle Reyes (Student)
Making the right decision for Enterprise Quality Management Software
Bruin, R. de (Student); Akkermans, C.
Modeling reuse of process streams from ragworm culture
Ding Zhao (Student); Anne Oele (Begeleider); Michel Trommelen (Begeleider); Jouke Heringa (Begeleider)
Eco -friendly sunscreen products in the marine environment; potential and relative effects of UV filters
Martijn Keur (Student); Anne Oele (Begeleider); Diana Slijkerman (Begeleider)
Local homebuyers in the Groningen earthquake region
van der Kloet, Hieke
Local homebuyers in the Groningen earthquake region
van der Kloet, Hieke