Winners in the age of smart machines
Peters, SJ (Sjoerd) (Student)
Workspace innovation
Mobach, Mark P.
Guiding the Visually Impaired through the Environment with Beacons
van der Bie, Joey (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Visser, Britte; Matsari, Jordy; Singh, Mijnisha; van Hasselt, Timon; Koopman, Jan; Kröse, Ben
Social media: van strategie tot uitvoering
Jasper Kramp (Student)
Perceived health status
Tommy L.S. Visscher (Associate Lector); Jeroen Lakerveld; Nanna Olsen; Leanne Küpers; Sofia Ramalho; Laura Keaver; Christina Brei; Jan-Inge Bjune; Silvia Ezquerro; Volkan Yumuk
Relationship between the presence of baccalaureate-educated RNs and quality of care
R. Backhaus; E. Capezuti; H. Verbeek; J.P. Hamers; F.E. Tan; E. van Rossum (Lector); R.J. Halfens
Design of a stand alone ADC tester
Ewout Kesteloo (Student); Bert Verhage (Docent); John van Zwam (Begeleider)
Conceptual model of military-civilian collaboration
M. D. Andres; J.M.L.M. Soeters; Irina Goldenberg; Kenan Dautovic
Context specific analysis of the sound environment at the workplace and its relation with a task
Jikke Reinten (Lid Lectoraat); Helianthe Kort (Lector); Maarten C.J. Hornikx; Armin G. Kohlrausch
A dialogue worth having
F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lid Lectoraat); Reinekke Lengelle (Lid Lectoraat); Annemie Winters (Lid Lectoraat); M.A.C.T. (Marinka) Kuijpers