One Size Fits All? The Use of Employer Branding in Different Contexts
Hein, Antonia; Elving, Wim; Koster, Sjerdjan; Edzes, Arjen
Predisposition of In-Service Teachers to Use Game-Based Pedagogy
Palha, Sonia (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Matić, Ljerka Jukić
Embodied technology-assisted musical creativity and living with dementia
Jennifer MacRitchie (Onderzoeker); Justin Christensen (Onderzoeker); Jonathan Pigrem (Onderzoeker); Michael Neokleous (Onderzoeker); Renee Timmers (Onderzoeker); Andrew McPherson (Onderzoeker); Luc de Witte (Lector)
Ethics of mortgage advisers in the Netherlands: professional attitudes and moral dilemmas
J.J. van Baardewijk
INPRO; Results of the Erasmus+ interprofessional education and collaboration in practice; How transferring European promising practice to education and vice versa move interprofessional education and rehabilitation practice forward.
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra; Aerts, Ingrid
Student agency
van Dijck, E.J.L. (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie); Meijer, M.J. (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Roest, Thijs; van den Berg, Femke; Kalkman, Ruben; Ordóñez, Isabel; Sustersic, Paolo; Buck, Lyndon; Grierson, Hilary; Bohemia, Erik
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) synthesis and degradation by microbes and applications towards a circular economy
Zhou, Wen; Bergsma, Simon; Colpa, Dana Irene; Euverink, Gert-Jan Willem; Krooneman, Janneke
Ethics in design Education, but completely different
Dorrestijn, (Steven) (Lector); Eggink, (Wouter) (Extern); Heijden, (Karin) van der (Onderzoeker)
An intersectional analysis on access to sexual and reproductive health and rights services for women of low-income households
Fofanah, M.A. (Student); Westendorp, A.M.