Zocht je misschien: logistiek?
Applied simulation and optimization 2
Mujica Mota, M.A.; Flores, Idalia
Ploos van Amstel, Walther (City Net Zero)
Improving airport performance through a model-based analysis and optimization approach
Scala, P.M.; Mujica Mota, M.A.; Delahaye, D.
Education for a sustainable agri-food system
Dittrich, K. (Lector); Dagevos, H. (Lector); Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector); Seuneke, P.; Beers, P.J. (Lector); Nederhof, E. (Lector)
Education for a sustainable agri-food system
Dittrich, K. (Lector); Dagevos, H. (Lector); Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector); Seuneke, P.; Beers, P.J. (Lector); Nederhof, E. (Lector)
Four routes to better maritime governance
Wan, Zheng; Chen, Jihong; El Makhloufi, Abdel (Lectoraat Logistiek); Sperling, Daniel; Chen, Yang
De toekomst van de Rotterdamse haven wordt bepaald in de regio
el Makhloufi, Abdel (City Net Zero); van Damme, Dick (City Net Zero)
Discussion paper: Legitimacy of bottom-up planning: the need for facilitation of substantive discussions in planning processes
Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero); van Berkel, Fabi
Emission free food logistics in cities by applying optimal modality mix of electrical vehicles: the case of the city of Amsterdam
Anand, Nilesh; Biharie, Sharma; van Damme, Dick (City Net Zero)
Validation of an agent based model using a participatory simulation gaming approach: The case of city logistics
Anand, Nilesh; Meijer, David; van Duin, J.H.R.; Tavasszy, Lóránt; Meijer, Sebastiaan