EU versus US combat of terrorism
Priscilla de Jong (Student); Theo A. Parlevliet (Begeleider)
Development education in the European Union
M. (Marjo) van den Haspel (Begeleider); Mariana Laura Otelita (Student)
From Ankara to Brussels : will the recent changes in Turkey's national Asylum Law lead Turkey to be in line with EU Asylum law?
Chelize J. Perez (Student)
Marketingcommunicatie als kracht in 2008
Gert-Jan Reus (Begeleider); Jordy van Katwijk (Student); Jos Verheiden (Begeleider)
Violence against children & youth prevention : is the EU doing all it can?
M. van Munster (Begeleider); E. Myrthe Struiksma (Student)
Immigration policy of the EU : should there be EU policy for regularizations?
Stéphanie Lallier (Student); F.M. Termes (Begeleider)
How to improve environmental information disclosure in China by learning lessons from EU countries?
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); M. (Marjo) van den Haspel (Begeleider); Ying Yu (Student)
Europe & the Netherlands : assessing the increased European awareness within the Dutch society and the role of Europe in the Dutch House of Representatives
Karen Snaterse (Student); T.A. Parlevliet (Begeleider)
Feasibility and profitability of chain integration by NCPAK on flower sleeves products in European market
Yan, X. (Student); Hoekstra, J.
Frontex : will the EU Border Agency, Frontex, be able to reach its goal: the effective control of the EU's outside borders?
L.M. Droesen (Begeleider); Tülay Altan (Student)