Flexibility in use
Hoendervanger, Jan Gerard; de Been, Iris; Van Yperen, Nico; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Albers, Casper
De toekomst
Roetgerink, L (Laura) (Student); Wit, NM (Nicole) de (Student)
Met het oog op mensen
Hes, A (Annelie) van (Student); Geerlings, E (Edith) (Student); Redeker, HW (Renske) (Student)
Supported education toolkit
Hofstra, Jacomijn (Rehabilitation); Korevaar, L.
Employees’ motivation to invest in their sustainable employment
Jol Stoffers (Lector); Hans Leppink; Anne Kleefstra; Anita van Dormalen
The ethical sensitivity of social workers: A contribution to a theory of practice
Ed Jonge (Lid Lectoraat)
On the performance of small-scale living facilities in nursing homes: a simulation approach
Dennis Moeke; Ruben van de Geer; Ger Koole; René Bekker
Patients' experience with intermittent catheterisation in everyday life
H Cobussen-Boekhorst; E Hermeling; J Heesakkers; Betsie van Gaal
Human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Spain
Joyce Bos (Student); Roberto Barroso Vloedgraven
Patient Centered Professionalism? : Patient Participation in Dutch Mental Health Professional Frameworks
Aukje Leemeijer; Margo Trappenburg