Differentiation in the MBO classroom
I.Y.E.C. (Isa) Szlanina (Student); Richard Conen (Begeleider)
What does the new generation of employees really want from its employers, and what impact do these employees preferences have on HRM
Lis, N. (Student); Altena, M.G.
Material management optimization for small agricultural metal manufactures
Slagter, R. (Student); Burgess, P.
Engbers, DML (Daisy) (Student)
Improvement of guest satisfaction through an internal communication structure during the guest's stay
Behm, K (Katharina) (Student)
Groepsplannen of planmatig werken? Wat werkt?
Marloes Rikken (Student); Wilma Klabbers (Begeleider)
Gewasgebonden derogatie
Vedder, A. (Student); Prins, A.
Influencer marketing in the equine industry in Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain
Bunnefeld, J. (Student); Pol-Veenstra, T.M.
Ruwvoerefficiëntie en voederverstrekking van melkvee
Riele, B. te (Student); Weg, W. van de
Studiesucces in het hoger onderwijs
Glastra, Folke; van Middelkoop, Daniël