The cart before the horse? The future now!
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Music and technology
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Stimuleren van talentvol creatief gedrag in digitale compositie
Hendriks, Linda (Kunsteducatie)
Did I hear this correctly ?
Arno Eiselt; Anja Köppchen
Generating structured music using Artificial Intelligence
Tim Wedde; Jan Jacobs
The musician as an agent of change in society
Smilde, Rineke
Muziek in de mienskip
Bisschop Boele, Evert
Muziek en CI (Cochleair Implantaat)
Harris, Robert
On music and dementia
Smilde, Rineke