Classrooms' indoor environmental conditions affecting the academic achievement of students and teachers in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
Healthy environments and behaviours
Mobach, Mark P.
Actie na brand
Broeder, MC (Mark) den (Student)
How architecture can improve the quality of life of individuals showing challenging behaviour
Roos, Berit Ann (Facility Management); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Heylighen, Ann; Christer, Kristy; Craig, Claire; Chamberlain, Paul
Demographic and health-related factors associated with reduced work functioning in people with moderate medically unexplained physical symptoms: a cross-sectional study
Mark van Tilburg (Lid Lectoraat); Paula Elisabeth van Westrienen; Martijn Pisters
Het gevecht van 'de soldaat van het volk'
Coen van Loon (Student); Simon Knopper; Mark Mol; Harmen Groenhart; Jan Hein de Gruijter (Begeleider)
Runner’s perceptions of reasons to quit running
Daphne Menheere; Mark Janssen; Mathias Funk; Erik van der Spek; Carine Lallemand; Steven Vos (Lector)
How do runners experience personalization of their training scheme
Mark Janssen; Jos Goudsmit; Coen Lauwerijssen; Aarnout Brombacher; Carine Lallemand; Steven Vos
Veilig floreren op agressie
Mark Steur (Student); Frans van Mil (Begeleider)
Use of Foraging Habitats and Disturbance of Ringed Plover (Charadrius Hiaticula)
Loes de Jong (Student); Bram Verkruysse (Docent); Floor Arts (Begeleider)