Performance grading and motivational functioning and fear in physical education
Christa Krijgsman; Maarten Vansteenkiste; Jan van Tartwijk; Jolien Maes; Lars Borghouts; Greet Cardon; Tim Mainhard; Leen Haerens
Sports injuries and illnesses in first-year physical education teacher education students
van Beijsterveldt, Anne-Marie; Richardson, Angelo; Clarsen, Benjamin; Stubbe, Janine
Zelfregulatie in het vmbo: Goalkeeper!
van der Sluis, Alien; Leistra, Simon; Pruim, Arjan; van Aart, Ingrid; Mombarg, Remo
Active living
Wiggers, Hiske; Shokoohi, Roya
An analytical perspective on primary school design as architectural synthesis towards the development of needs-centred guidelines
de Vrieze, Ron; Moll, Henri C.
Family-based HEPA approach in the school & sport club context
Shokoohi, Roya; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); De Martelaer, Kristine
Vaardig en gemotiveerd, in de gymles en op het plein
van der Sluis, Alien
SPEACH special educational needs
Mombarg, Remo
Community of practice for healthy lifestyle (COP4HL)
de Jong, Johan
Normatieve professionalisering en de leergang vakbekwaamheid bewegingsonderwijs via PABO
Liesbeth Leistra (Student); Corina van Doodewaard (Begeleider)