Zocht je misschien: aard?
The Hungarian Fundamental Law
Brigitte Willems (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
What you need to know when dealing the BRICS
L.J. Harris (Begeleider); Diana Lefterache (Student)
Amsterdam Velo
Tarik Alaca (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
Esmée Klein Bramel (Student); B.A.M.M. Kuijpers (Begeleider)
The Startertraject Chamber of Commerce Zoetermeer
B.A.M.M. Kuijpers (Begeleider); M.C.A. van de Corput (Student)
Role and effectiveness of NGOs in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Enitsa M. Gabrovska (Student)
Professional development of teacher educators through informal learning
Marly Gootzen (Lid Lectoraat); Maurice Schols (Lid Lectoraat); Rita Schildwacht (Lid Lectoraat); Quinta Kools (Lector); Marina Bouckaert-den Draak (Lid Lectoraat)
Onderneming en Kunst Marketingplan
Manuela Choi; Hans van Briemen (Begeleider)
Context-aware augmented navigation
Wouter van Ewijk (Student); Peter van Rooijen (Begeleider)
Luna Design Cape Town: Out of Africa, into Europe?
Angelica Browne; Hylda Kuiper (Begeleider)