Expensive, Cold and Dangerous
Marjolein Kopomans (Begeleider); Danielle Wopereis (Student)
The Exodus from the Netherlands or Brain Circulation
dr. Gürkan Çelik (Lector); Ton Notten
Designing a country: creative industries in the Netherlands
J. Erp; E. Slot; P. Rutten (Lector); J. Zuurmond; A. Németh
Regionalization Strategies of European Union Electric Utilities
Kolk, Ans; Lindeque, Johan; van den Buuse, Daniel (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation)
Professionalizing management accounting and control at small healthcare organizations : a case study
Peter Willemstein; Michiel van der Ven (Lid Lectoraat); Johan Versendaal; Johan Versendaal (Lector)
Supporting parents to get out of poverty
Lisanne Heikamp (Student); Linda Kok (Student); W.J. Corsel - Tavenier (Begeleider)
On military memoirs
Lamberta Hendrika Esmeralda Kleinreesink
Intenship Report IBMS
André Erdmann (Student); Hans van Briemen (Begeleider); Jozef Misik (Begeleider)
Perspectives on global nursing leadership
E.B. Buckner; D.J. Anderson; N. Garzon; Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir; C.K.Y. Lai; R. Roshan