Physical activity and enhanced fitness to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment, A Cochrane Review
Drs. Maaike Angevaren (Lid Lectoraat); A. Aleman; Prof. Dr. L.E.M.J. Vanhees (Lector); Geert Aufdemkampe (Docent); H.J.J. Verhaar
Frailty: defining and measuring of a concept
R.E. Pel-Littel; M.H. Emmelot-Vonk; H.J.J. Verhaar; Prof. Dr. M.J. Schuurmans (Lector)
Fear of falling: measurement strategy, prevalence, risk factors and consequences among older persons: a systematic review.
S.E.J.A. de Rooij; Prof. Dr. M.J. Schuurmans (Lector); A. Scheffer; T. van der Hooft; N. van Dijk
Identifying older hospitalized patients at risk for functional decline, a comparitve study of three screening instruments
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schuurmans (Lector); Drs. J.G. Hoogerduijn (Lid Lectoraat); B.M. Buurman-van Es; S.E. de Rooij; J.C. Korevaar
A systematic review of predictors and screening instruments to identify older hospitalized patients at risk for functional decline
Prof. Dr. M.S.H. Duijnstee (Lector); M.H.F. Grypdonck; Drs. J.G. Hoogerduijn (Lid Lectoraat); Prof. Dr. M.J. Schuurmans (Lector); S.E. de Rooij
Gebitstoestand en mondgezondheid van basisschoolkinderen
Jerkovic-Cosic, Katarina; Bos, C. A.; van Jaarsveld, C. H. M.; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
A Social Dialogue to improve working conditions
Zinsmeister, Joop; Meerman, Martha
Discomfort and factual recollection in intensive care unit patients
van de Leur, Johannes P; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Loef, Bert G; Deelman, Betto G; Geertzen, Jan H B; Zwaveling, Jan H
Het effect van klassieke massagetherapie op circulatiestoornis mobiliteitsverandering, pijn en verandering in tonus : een systematische review
David de Louw (Begeleider); Ariënne Holla (Student); Linda Swinkels (Student); Chiara Blom (Student); Gé de Bruin (Begeleider); Imke van Rees (Student)
The social economics of old age
Bulder, Elles (Living Environment In Transition)