Influence of multimorbidity on cognition in a normal aging population: a 12-year follow-up in the Maastricht Aging Study.
F.R. Verhey; M.P. van Boxtel; F.E. Tan; J.F. Metsemakers; M. van den Akker; Sil Aarts (Docent)
Physical performance characteristics related to disability in older persons: A systematic review
Ilse Arts (Lid Lectoraat); Yvonne van der Schouw; Marjolein den Ouden; Marieke Schuurmans (Lector)
Ageing-in-place with the use of ambient intelligence technology: Perspectives of older users
P.G.S. Rutten; J. van Hoof (Lid Lectoraat); H.S.M. Kort (Lector); M.S.H. Duijnstee (Lector)
Idiopathic toe-walking in children, adolescents and young adults: a matter of local or generalised stiffness?
Engelbert, Raoul; Gorter, Jan Willem; Uiterwaal, Cuno; van de Putte, Elise; Helders, Paul
Psychometric properties of the PAT: an assessment tool for ADL performance of older people living in residential homes
Weening-Dijksterhuis, Betsy; Kamsma, Y.P.; Heuvelen, M.J.
Children online : the dangers they encounter and the ways to protect them
Mona Hashemy Asl (Student); k. MOED (Begeleider)
Dysphagia is present but mild in myotonic dystrophy type 2
R. Ensink; Bert de Swart; J. van Vliet; A. Tieleman; Marscha Engelen; S. Knuijt
Risk and prognostic factors for non-specific musculoskeletal pain: a synthesis of evidence from systematic reviews classified into ICF dimensions
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra (Ageing And Allied Health Care); Soer, Remko; Takken, T.; Reneman, M.F.
Frailty: defining and measuring of a concept
R.E. Pel-Littel; M.H. Emmelot-Vonk; H.J.J. Verhaar; Prof. Dr. M.J. Schuurmans (Lector)
Physical activity and enhanced fitness to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment, A Cochrane Review
Drs. Maaike Angevaren (Lid Lectoraat); A. Aleman; Prof. Dr. L.E.M.J. Vanhees (Lector); Geert Aufdemkampe (Docent); H.J.J. Verhaar