Zocht je misschien: aard?
Projects Abroad goes Flemish.
Nicoline Laman Trip (Student); Hanneke Ponten (Begeleider); Laurens Vos (Begeleider)
Research Methods for Understanding Participatory Innovation in SME
Christine De Lille (Onderzoeker); Mark Asboe
How to increase fire safety in buildings: Fire safety engineering
Herpen, R.A.P. (Ruud) van (Lector)
Action research as a qualitative research approach for understanding technology professional development in higher education
MA, MSc Maurice Schols
Target language as a medium of education
Frans Hermans (Begeleider); Zanne de Visser (Student)
How should a democratic state deal with the cultural practice [of] female genital mutilation? Can it be eradicated?
P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider); Faniza A. Hussain (Student)
Comparing Dutch and Chinese marine conservation
Chen, J. (Student); Klinefelter-Busstra, M.; Wit, T. de
Exploratory study on measuring the effects of culinary concepts on the atmospheric experience and emotions of elderly people
Groen, B.H. (Brenda) (Researcher); Oldeman, J. (Janine) (Researcher); Pijls, R. (Ruth) (Researcher); Thijssen, J.P.T. (Thomas) (Lector)
Collaborative learning in a culturally diverse secondary vocational education
Dr. Rutger van de Sande (Lector); Drs. Kennedy Aquilino Tielman (Docent); Dr. Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); Perry den Brok
Greener data centres in the Netherlands / Th.J.G. Thiadens c.s.
Theo Thiadens (Lector)