Advanced vehicle dynamics of heavy trucks with the perspective of road safety
A. Stensson Trigell; M. Rothhämel; Joop Pauwelussen; Karel Kural
Kritisch en krachtig : sociale innovatie in professionele leergemeenschappen
Roel Jansen; Joos Meesters; Marjan Kindt-van Esch; Ivo Hendriks; Lisbeth Verharen
Innovative Approaches to Improve Sustainability of Physical Distribution in Dutch Agrifood Supply Chains
Reinder Pieters; Rob van Beek; Onno Omta; Hans-Heinrich Glöckner
RheijnLand.Xperiences : a Storytelling Framework for Cross-Museum Experiences.
T Kahl; I Iurgel; F Zimmer; René Bakker; Koen van Turnhout
Planning Spontaneity: A Case Study About Method Configuration
Koen van Turnhout; J.H. Annema; Judith van de Goor; Marjolein Jacobs; René Bakker
Applying Axiomatic Design and Conceptual Independence in the Domain of IT Systems
Debbie Tarenskeen; René Bakker
Towards blocks-based prototyping of web applications
Robert Holwerda; F. Hermans
An Observation Method for Behavioral Analysis of Collaborative Modeling Skills : Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Information Systems Engineering, In conjunction with CAiSE’17
Ilona Wilmont; Stijn Hoppenbrouwers; E. Barendsen
Introducing Fundamental Concepts of Process Modeling through Participatory Simulation. Proceedings of the 1st T4SIS4T Worskhop; Teaching for smart information systems, smart information systems for teaching, in conjunction with CAiSE’17
S. Oppl; Stijn Hoppenbrouwers
Using a Liquid Democracy Tool for End-user Involvement in Continuous
Jonathan Seesink; Stijn Hoppenbrouwers