The fashion retailscape
Vliet, Harry van
Analysis of niche markets in the equine sector and their response to marketing strategies
Brandes, J. (Student); Struik, E.; Büker, L.
Colours and emotions in advertising
Evelyn Bekooij-Westerhout (Begeleider); Parisa Irankhah (Student)
The ‘Soa – polikliniek’
Frans Engelman (Begeleider); Maaike van Veen (Begeleider); Adriaan Tempert (Begeleider); Joëlle Sillevis Smitt (Student)
A transmedia storytelling approach in the maintenance and expansion of the year-round attention and promotion for the annual event of TEDxBinnenhof
Stephanie Meijer (Student); Jim Stolze (Begeleider); Nathan Wiersma (Begeleider); Peter de Groot (Begeleider)
Reaching the ageing consumer with branded content
Kiki Zondag (Student)
Veselina Nedelcheva (Student); Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
When online fashion retailers “pop-up” into the real world
Peter de Groot (Begeleider); Ilona Taillade (Begeleider); Lora Iatcheva (Student)
Picture Perfect Positioning
Pim Welvaarts (Begeleider); Marjolein Koopmans (Begeleider); Paul Visser (Student)
Interactive storytelling in the digital age: new online opportunities for independent documentary makers
Christina Rupp (Student); Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider)