Owning The City: New Media And Citizen Engagement In Urban Design
de Lange, Michiel; de Waal, Martijn (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Piekarski, Karol
Attitudes Towards Vertical Farming at Home: A User Study
Jansen, Guido; Cila, Nazli; Kanis, Marije (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Slaats, Yanti
Game on! Lessons learned from joint development and production of health games
Leupen, Harro (New Business & Ict); Willems, Rob; Onyango, George; Odongo, Peter
Should Public Displays be Interactive? Evaluating the Impact of Interactivity on Audience Engagement
Veenstra, Mettina; Wouters, Niels; Kanis, Marije (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Brandenburg, Stephan; te Raa, Kevin; Wigger, Bart; Vande Moere, Andrew; Gehring, Sven; Krüger, Antonio
The Gray Zones Of Creativity & Capital
Tatlić, Šefik; Nikolić, Gordana
Care on demand in nursing homes : a queueing theoretic approach
Dennis Moeke; Karin van Eeden; René Bekker
Student Evaluation 2.0
Wesseling, N. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Smart Green Campus
Henk Plessius (Lid Lectoraat); Joris Mens (Lid Lectoraat); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
Sexual and reproductive health education
NK De Vries; Jolien van der Geugten (Lid Lectoraat); Berno van Meijel (Lector); M Dijkstra; M Den Uyl
Privacy protection in data sharing: towards feedback solutions
M.S. Bargh (Lector); R.F. Meijer; R. Choenni (Lector); P. Conradie