Netflix expanding to Germany
Roland Marquardt (Student)
Improving Greece’s crisis image in Europe all fun and games?
Theo Bors (Begeleider); Cleo Sardelis (Student)
Interactive storytelling in the digital age: new online opportunities for independent documentary makers
Christina Rupp (Student); Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
The impact of in-store product demonstrations on the consumers’ purchase behaviour
Stefanie Krijnenburg (Student)
Communication advice for the platform life sciences and health of the branch organisation Nevat
Edwin Dekker (Begeleider); Evelyn Bekooij-Westerhoudt (Begeleider); Rafaël Groenemeijer (Student)
Getting social with Opium restaurant
Jeroen Smeets (Begeleider); Marin Kwakkelstein (Begeleider); Simone Hackett (Begeleider); Mathilde Kamp (Student)
Creating the Difference
J.P. (Jos) van Leeuwen (Lid Lectoraat); P.J. (Pieter Jan) Stappers; M. (Maarten) Lamers; M. (Maarten) Thissen
Building deeper donor relations and keeping them alive
Marissa van de Velde (Student); Mari Carmen Puerta Melguizo (Begeleider)
Desigining new supply chain networks: Tomato and mango case studies
prof Olaf van kooten (Lector)