Citizen Science en gezondheid: Nut en noodzaak van citizen science
den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving); Volten, Hester; Nanninga, Michiel
Afstudeerscriptie promotiepartners
Joost Meijer (Student)
This post is sponsored: effects of sponsorship disclosure on persuasion knowledge and electronic word of mouth in the context of Facebook
S.C. Boerman; L.M. Willemsen (Lector); E.P. van der Aa
Summary points and consensus recommendations from the international protein summit
Hurt, Ryan T; McClave, Stephen A; Martindale, Robert G; Ochoa Gautier, Juan B; Coss-Bu, Jorge A; Dickerson, Roland N; Heyland, Daren K; Hoffer, L John; Moore, Frederick A; Morris, Claudia R; Paddon-Jones, Douglas; Patel, Jayshil J; Phillips, Stuart M; Rugeles, Saúl J; Sarav Md, Menaka; Weijs, Peter J M (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Wernerman, Jan; Hamilton-Reeves, Jill; McClain, Craig J; Taylor, Beth
Security intelligence door aggregatie open-source intelligence
Sjors Haanen (Student); Stefan Roijers (Begeleider)
Analyzing the Strategic Role of Social Networking in Firm Growth and Productivity
Vladlena Benson; Ron Tuninga; George Saridakis
Breakthrough innovations by locally embedded start-ups and SMEs in a global network
Ad Breukel (Lid Lectoraat); Henk Zeegers
“This Post Is Sponsored”
Sophie C. Boerman (Onderzoeker); Lotte M. Willemsen (Lector); Eva P. van der Aa