Symposium 'Kennis Delen'
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra; Hurkmans, Joost; Reinders, Heleen; Spek, Bea
Healthy Ageing
van der Schans, Cees
Prognostic factors and course for successful clinical outcome quality of life and patients' perceived effect after a cognitive behavior therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain: A 12-months prospective study
K. Verkerk (Lid Lectoraat); H.S. Miedema (Lector); P.A.J. Luijsterburg; A. Pool - Goudzwaard; M.W. Heymans; B.W. Koes; I. Ronchetti
Social impact and legacy of sport events
Slender, Hans
Ons vak in beweging
Hobbelen, Hans
Rehabilitatie & herstel in de langdurende zorg
de Heer, Charlotte
Healthy Ageing
Drenth, Hans
Fysieke fitheid en bewegen bij mensen met (zeer) ernstige verstandelijke en visuele beperkingen
Waninge, Aly
Physical fitness and activity in persons with severe/profound intellectual and visual disabilities
Waninge, Aly
Screening young adults for risk factors for chronic diseases.
Steven Onkelinx (Begeleider); Andrea Gustafsson (Student)