Role and effectiveness of NGOs in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Enitsa M. Gabrovska (Student)
Methods for environmental change; an exploratory study
Nell Gottlieb; Robert Panne; Chris Smerecnik (Docent); Gerjo Kok
What about that wrapper?
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
The Importance of Product Placement: The Practical Application of Product Prioritization for
Meng Xia; Cathy Rau (Begeleider)
Projects Abroad goes Flemish.
Hanneke Ponten (Begeleider); Laurens Vos (Begeleider); Nicoline Laman Trip (Student)
Innovative Ways of Analysing Data with Practitioners as Co-Researchers: Dancing outside the ballroom
drs Famke van Lieshout (Lid Lectoraat); drs Shaun Cardiff
Collaborative Care for patients with severe borderline and NOS personality disorders: A comparative multiple case study on processes and outcomes
Barbara Stringer (Lid Lectoraat); Berno van Meijel (Lector); Bauke Koekkoek; A.J.F.M. (Ad) Kerkhof; A.T.F. (Aartjan) Beekman
Recovery of Normal Body Weight in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: The Nurses’ Perspective on Effective Interventions
René Bakker; Berno van Meijel (Lector); Laura Beukers (Lid Lectoraat); Joyce van Ommen; Esther Meerwijk; Annemarie van Elburg
How do patients come to be seen as ‘difficult’?: A mixed-methods study in community mental health care
Bauke Koekkoek; G. Hutschemaekers; Berno van Meijel (Lector); A. Schene
'Take control or lean back?'
PhD Gaby Jacobs (Lector)