Expectations and Performance
D.N.D. Meurs (Docent); F. Koster; P.J.M. van Nispen tot Pannerden (Docent)
A study into the communication optimization of HelloFresh Nederland
Frederieke Sauer (Student); Marlies Jongman (Begeleider); Evgenia Starkova (Begeleider)
Symposium 10 years Lifelong Learning in Music
Smilde, Rineke; Smilde, Rineke
It takes a global village
Damhof, Loes; DeWitt, Janine; Wolfensberger, Marca
Reaching the ageing consumer with branded content
Kiki Zondag (Student)
Turning customers into promoters of the brand
Rolf Tjalsma (Student)
Dynamic lighting systems in psychogeriatric care facilities in The Netherlands
Mariëlle Aarts; Myriam B.C. Aries; Jochem Straathof; Joost van Hoof (Onderzoeker)
The value of (pre)school playgrounds for children’s physical activity level
S.I. (Sanne) de Vries (Lector); Karen Broekhuizen; Anne-Marie Scholten (Docent)
Spatial support of knowledge production in higher education
Groen, B.H. (Brenda) (Researcher); Sprang, H. (Hester) van (Researcher); Voordt, T.J.M. (Theo) van der (Researcher)