Marco Gijsen
The effect of visual feedback on the error augmentation protocol applied to an upper extremity task
Boonstra, M. (Student); Keesman, M. (Student); Stoppkotte, Y.Z.J. (Student); Tonneijck, Hetty
Identifying social participation subgroups of individuals with severe mental illnesses
Sarita A. Sanches; Wilma Swildens (Lector); Jooske van Busschbach; Jaap van Weeghel
Determinants of physical activity in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury or lower limb amputation
Lizanne E. van den Akker; Jasmijn Holla; Tessa Dadema; Bart Visser; Linda J. Valent; Sonja de Groot; Joan Dallinga (Lid Lectoraat); Marije Deutekom (Lector)
"Everyone sees you sitting there struggling with your food": experiences of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy
Lianne Remijn; Lenie van den Engel-Hoek; Ton Satink; Bert de Swart; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden
Reflections of patients and therapists on a multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme for persons with brachial plexus injuries
R. Janssen; Ton Satink; J Ijspeert; N. van Alfen; JT Groothuis; T.L. Packer; Edith Cup
Family in Rehabilitation, Empowering Carers for Improved Malnutrition Outcomes: Protocol for the FREER Pilot Study.
M.M. Warner; E. Isenring; S. Marshall; Barbara van der Meij; R. Milte; C.E. Collins; Marian de van der Schueren; M. Banbury
Setting meaningful goals in rehabilitation: rationale and practical tool.
J.J.H. Dekker; V. de Groot; A.M. ter Steeg; J. Vloothuis; J. Holla; E. Collette; Ton Satink; L. Post; S. Doodeman; E. Littooij
Activity resumption after acquired brain injury: the influence of the social network as described by social workers.
S. Jellema; Sabine van Erp; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; Rob van der Sande; Esther Steultjens
Factors influencing the implementation of Home-Based Stroke Rehabilitation: Professionals' perspective.
Dinja van der Veen; C.M.E. Döpp; P.C. Siemonsma; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; Rob van der Sande