CT determined psoas muscle area predicts mortality in women undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation
van Mourik, Martijn S.; Janmaat, Yvonne C.; van Kesteren, Floortje; Vendrik, Jeroen; Planken, R. Nils; Henstra, Marieke J.; Velu, Juliëtte F.; Vlastra, Wieneke; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Koch, Karel T.; de Winter, Robbert J.; Wykrzykowska, Joanna J.; Piek, Jan J.; Henriques, José P.S.; Lanting, Vincent R.; Baan, Jan; Latour, Corine (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Lindeboom, Robert; Vis, M. Marije
Effects of postacute multidisciplinary rehabilitation including exercise in out-of-hospital settings in the aged
Verweij, Lotte; van de Korput, Eva; Daams, Joost G.; Ter Riet, Gerben; Peters, Ron J.G.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H.; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma J.M.; Buurman, Bianca M.
The predictive value of a study choice test
Wesseling, Nathalie (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
The ability of four frailty screening instruments to predict mortality, hospitalization and dependency in (instrumental) activities of daily living
Linda Op het Veld (Lid Lectoraat); Sandra Beurskens (Lector); Henrica C.W. de Vet; Sander M.J. van Kuijk; KlaasJan Hajema; Gertrudis I.J.M. Kempen; Erik van Rossum (Lector)
Insights in the way safety can be improved for transgender asylum seekers: a study focused on increasing safety for transgender people in asylum seekers centres, which could lead to a better well-being of the target group
van der Wal, Marte (Student); Gunduz, M.
Family in Rehabilitation, Empowering Carers for Improved Malnutrition Outcomes: Protocol for the FREER Pilot Study.
M.M. Warner; E. Isenring; S. Marshall; Barbara van der Meij; R. Milte; C.E. Collins; Marian de van der Schueren; M. Banbury
Efficacy of a Web-Based Self-Management Enhancing Program for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Explorative Randomized Controlled Trial
R Zuidema; S. van Dulmen; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; I Meek; C. van den Ende; J Fransen; Betsie van Gaal
‘Facityly management’
Hans Netten (Docent); R. Kuijlenburg (Onderzoeker); Cateleine de Jong (Onderzoeker)
Cost-effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention for people with a serious mental illness (SMILE)
Florine Walburg (Lid Lectoraat); Berno van Meijel (Lector); M.W. van Tulder; M.C. Adriaanse