Veronique Klomp (Student); Ronald Voorn (Begeleider)
How to communicate with children with Intellectual Disability regarding Internet safety
Ilse Lieshout (Student)
Creating the Difference
J.P. (Jos) van Leeuwen (Lid Lectoraat); P.J. (Pieter Jan) Stappers; M. (Maarten) Lamers; M. (Maarten) Thissen
Building deeper donor relations and keeping them alive
Marissa van de Velde (Student); Mari Carmen Puerta Melguizo (Begeleider)
Desigining new supply chain networks: Tomato and mango case studies
prof Olaf van kooten (Lector)
Social media and the Gezi Park protests
Rinske Berg (Student); A. (Andreas) Funk (Begeleider)
What are the specific conditions for success in organising an electronic dance music event?
Pieter van der Oest (Student); Wouter B. van Dam (Begeleider)
The Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures
Stijn Reijnders; Linda Duits; Koos Zwaan
What strategy must Positive Travels apply to be more profitable?
P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider); Maria José dos Reis (Student)