Etnografisch onderzoek
Bisschop Boele, Evert (Kunsteducatie)
Research for implementing health promotion regarding non-communicable diseases for elderly people
Evelyn van der Kooi (Student); Femia Koopmans (Student); Hyllan Weijer (Begeleider)
Characteristics of non-conveyance ambulance runs: A retrospective study in the Netherlands
Remco Ebben; M. Castelijns; J. Frenken; Lilian Vloet
An activity analysis of Dutch hospital-based physician assistants and nurse practitioners
Geert van den Brink; A.J. Kouwen; R.S. Hooker; H. Vermeulen; Miranda Laurant
De totstandkoming van meetinstrumenten van empowerment onder de loep. Instrumentontwikkeling volgens de kwaliteitsstandaarden, een kritische beschouwing
Thomas Noordink; Lisbeth Verharen; R. Schalk; T. van Regenmortel
Self-regulated learning in physical therapy education: a non-randomized experimental study comparing self-directed and instruction-based learning.
N. van Melick; J. van Wijchen; V. Visser; Bart Staal; Wim van Lankveld
Symptoms of depression are associated with physical inactivity but not modified by gender or the presence of a cardiovascular disease; a cross-sectional study.
R. Achttien; J. van Lieshout; M. Wensing; M.N. van Sanden; Bart Staal
Leaving no one behind? Social inclusion of health insurance in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Suzanne van Hees; T O'Fallon; M Hofker; Maria Dekker; S Polack; LM Banks; EJAM Spaan
Improving patient–practitioner interaction in chronic pain rehabilitation
Baukje B. Stinesen (Onderzoeker); Petra Sneijder (Onderzoeker); Albere Köke (Onderzoeker); Rob Smeets (Onderzoeker)