Leren door experimenteren
Koolstra, Kaspar (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Balm, Susanne (Lectoraat City Logistics)
Bottom-up planning in the Netherlands and the identification of a legitimacy gap
van Berkel, Fabi; Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero)
Factors driving the spatial layout of distribution channels
Onstein, A.T.C. (Lectoraat Logistiek); Ektesaby, M.; Rezaei, J.; Tavasszy, L.A.; van Damme, D.A. (Lectoraat Logistiek)
Four routes to better maritime governance
Wan, Zheng; Chen, Jihong; El Makhloufi, Abdel (Lectoraat Logistiek); Sperling, Daniel; Chen, Yang
De toekomst van de Rotterdamse haven wordt bepaald in de regio
el Makhloufi, Abdel (City Net Zero); van Damme, Dick (City Net Zero)
Discussion paper: Legitimacy of bottom-up planning: the need for facilitation of substantive discussions in planning processes
Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero); van Berkel, Fabi
Emission free food logistics in cities by applying optimal modality mix of electrical vehicles: the case of the city of Amsterdam
Anand, Nilesh; Biharie, Sharma; van Damme, Dick (City Net Zero)
Voorbij 'mainports voorbij'
van Damme, Dick (City Net Zero); Boosten, Geert; el Makhloufi, Abdel (City Net Zero)
Research project - realization method
Johan Pos (Student); D. Mateman (Begeleider); D.J. Schaap (Begeleider)
Cycle Logistics Industry Survey 2016
Balm, Susanne (City Net Zero); Kooi, Martijn; van Herwijnen, Annemijn; Gozems, Nathalie