Creating an environment to fight the fashion system: Fashion Tech Farm
Toeters, Marina; Feijs, Loe; Nachtigall, Troy (Lectoraat Fashion Research & Technology); Contrechoc, Beam; Bruns, Miguel; Chen, Lin-Lin; Colombo, Sara; Hu, Jun; Kyffin, Steven; Lim, Yihyun; Vieira, Ozcan; Raijmakers, E. Jeroen; Rampino, Lucia; Rodriguez Ramirez, Edgar; Steffen, Dagmar Johanna; Wong, Calvin
Overlooked goliaths
Marques, José Carlos; Litrico, Jean-Baptiste; van Wijk, Jakomijn (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet)); Goerzen, Anthony
Partner choice and cooperation in social dilemmas can increase resource inequality
Stallen, Mirre (Lectoraat Armoede Interventies); Snijder, Luuk L.; Gross, Jörg; Hilbert, Leon P.; De Dreu, Carsten K. W.
No pain, no gain? The effects of adding a pain stimulus in virtual training for police officers
Kleygrewe, Lisanne; Hutter, R. I. (Vana); Oudejans, Raôul R. D. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Creating the desire for change in higher education
Griffioen, D.M.E.
An original template solution for FAIR scientific text mining
Zondervan, Niels A.; Tolentino-Zondervan, Frazen (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation)
Cities for talent
van Winden, Willem (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation); Counihan, Marian
Learning about circular motion of celestial bodies with interactive qualitative representations
Kragten, Marco; Bredeweg, Bert (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Wang, Ning; Rebolledo-Mendez, Genaro; Dimitrova, Vania; Matsuda, Noboru; Santos, Olga C.
Explainable Misinformation Detection from Text: A Critical Look
Bašić, Suzana (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Fuckner, Marcio (Lectoraat Responsible It); Wiggers, Pascal (Lectoraat Responsible It); Calders, Toon; Vens, Celine; Lijffijt, Jefrey; Goethals, Bart
To Create Tomorrow Together: samenwerkingsprocessen in gezamenlijk curriculumdesign
van Ooijen-van der Linden, Linda (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri)); Zeewijk, Sena; Griffioen, D.M.E. (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri))