Veerkrachtigheid in tijden van COVID-19!
Annet de Lange; Sarah Detaille
The cognitive costs of managing emotions: A systematic review of the impact of emotional requirements on cognitive performance
G. Hofstee; P.G.W. Jansen; Annet de Lange; B.R. Spisak; Maaike Swinkels
Integrating organization of health services, worker wellbeing and quality of care: Towards ‘healthy healthcare’
Annet de Lange; L.T. Løvseth
Succesvol ouder worden en duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk
Annet de Lange; R. Schalk; Beatrice van der Heijden
The Dutch Healthy Healthcare Project: Antecedents and Interventions to Facilitate Sustainable Work Ability Among Healthcare Workers
Annet de Lange; Karen Pak; Tinka van Vuuren; P. Dorssen; Eghe Osagie; Tjerry Verhoeven; Mirthe Pijnappels; S. van Neure
Human Resource Management’s Contribution to Healthy Healthcare
D.E. Guest; Annet de Lange
Healthy Healthcare from a labor-market economic perspective: taking mobility and aging in regions into account
M Gheasi; Annet de Lange
Integrating Organisation of Healthcare Services, Workers’ Wellbeing, and Quality of Care: An Introduction to the System-Based Perspective of Healthy Healthcare
L.T. Løvseth; Annet de Lange
Healthy Healthcare Systems in India: A Prognosis
R. Rai; S. Tripathi; Annet de Lange
Corporate Social Responsibility Manager: Job roles, Challenges, and Individual Competencies
Eghe Osagie; R. Wesselink