Agreement Between the KTK3+ Test and the Athletic Skills Track for Classifying the Fundamental Movement Skills Proficiency of 6- to 12-Year-Old Children
Mark de Niet (Onderzoeker); Sebastiaan Platvoet (Onderzoeker); J.J.A.A.M. Hoeboer (Lid Lectoraat); A.M.H de Witte (Lid Lectoraat); S.I. de Vries (Lector); J. Pion (Onderzoeker)
Should Relapse Always Be Punished?
Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Lianne Kleijer-Kool (Lid Lectoraat); Jolein Monnee-van Doornmalen (Lid Lectoraat)
Learning about stress from building, drilling and flying: a scoping review on team performance and stress in non-medical fields
Dijkstra, FS (Femke) (Researcher); Renden, PG (Peter); Meeter, M (Martijn); Schoonmade, LJ (Linda); Krage, R (Ralf); Schuppen, H (Hans) van; Croix, A (Anne) de la
Personal resources conducive to educational success: high achieving students’ perspectives
Mannetje, J.E.M.M. (Jolise) 't (Researcher); Heijne-Penninga, M. (Marjolein) (Researcher); Mastenbroek, N.J.J.M. (Nicole) (Researcher); Wolfensberger, M.V.C. (Marca) (Lector); Jaarsma, A.D.C. (Debbie) (Professor)
Stimulating nursing students interest in community care through curriculum-redesign
van Iersel, Margriet
Accuracy of an MR‑only workflow for prostate radiotherapy using semi‑automatically burned‑in fiducial markers
Karin Goudschaal; F. Beeksma; M. Boon; M. Bijveld; J. Visser; K. Hinnen; Z. van Kesteren
Levelized cost minimization of hydrogen in a combined renewable hydrogen and electricity supply on neighborhood scale
Edrick Orvin Victor Tromp (Student); Evert Jan Hengeveld (Begeleider); Jan Bekkering (Begeleider)
Psychometric properties of the client activation self-efficacy and outcome expectation scales for nurses (CA-SE-n and CA-OE-n) and domestic support workers (CA-SE-d and CA-OE-d)
Silke Metzelthin; Anne Classen; G.A. Rixt Zijlstra; Erik van Rossum (Lector); Janneke de Man-van Ginkel; Teuni H. Rooijackers; Gertrudis I.J.M. Kempen
Understanding Vocational Students’ Motivation for Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors
Annabelle Kuipers (Lid Lectoraat); Gitte Kloek (Lid Lectoraat); S.I. de Vries (Lector)
The associations between late effects of cancer treatment, work ability and job resources: a systematic review
Boelhouwer, Ingrid G.; Vermeer, Willemijn; van Vuuren, Tinka