Searching for good practices in collaborative research. A qualitative responsive study about partnerships in teams of researchers with and without intellectual disabilities
S. Sergeant; Anja Zimmermann; Maaike Hermsen; L. Richards; H. Sandvoort; R. Simons
Experiences of patients with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy with facial weakness: a qualitative study
S Sezer; E.H.C. Cup; LM Roets-Merken; A Lanser; I Siemann; JG Weikamp; K Mul; BG van Engelen; Ton Satink; NC Voermans
How chronic pain changes a person's life story in relation to participation in occupational roles: A narrative exploration
P Strub; Ton Satink; BE Gantschnig
Mixed methods evaluation of a self-management group programme for patients with neuromuscular disease and chronic fatigue
Y Veenhuizen; Ton Satink; Maud Graff; A.C.H. Geurts; JT Groothuis; B.G.M. van Engelen; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; E.H.C. Cup
Setting meaningful goals in rehabilitation: A qualitative study on the experiences of clients and clinicians in working with a practical tool
E. Littooij; S. Doodeman; J. Holla; M. Ouwerkerk; L. Post; Ton Satink; A.M. ter Steeg; J. Vloothuis; J Dekker; v. de Groot
Therapists' experiences and needs with regard to providing work-focused care: a focus group study.
Wiebke Oswald; I. Ummels; T. Raaijmakers; P. Baart; Bart Staal; H.J. Bieleman; M.W.G. Nijhuis -van der Sanden; Y.F. Heerkens; Nathan Hutting
A framework exploring the therapeutic alliance between elite athletes and physiotherapists: a qualitative study.
W.M. Charmant; P.J. van der Wees; Bart Staal; R. van Cingel; J.M. Sieben; R.A. de Bie
Effects of The language and accessibility bill on THUAS
Filip Křivánek (Student); Nathalie H.H.M. Schwan (Begeleider)
Reducing meat consumption
Julia Francken (Student); Guido C. van Hengel (Begeleider)
Advancing the ICC’s complementarity principle
Shelly Simwaba (Student); Isabel K. Düsterhöft (Begeleider)