Graduation Report Boyan Tolev
Tolev, B (David Blac) (Student)
Sustaining Relevance
P.C. van Fenema; Ton van kampen; G.L. de Gooijer; Nynke Faber; Harm Hendriks; Andre Hoogstrate; Loe Schlicher
Hanze Livings Labs, Research Group Facility Management
Mobach, Mark P.
Valuing the client or the property?
Pim Klamer (Lid Lectoraat)
Deep learning with Python for crack detection
Dais, Dimitrios
Gaining insights into dwelling characteristics using machine learning for policy making on nearly zero-energy buildings with the use of smart meter and weather data
T.B. Salcedo Rahola (Docent)
Learning about stress from building, drilling and flying: a scoping review on team performance and stress in non-medical fields
Dijkstra, FS (Femke) (Researcher); Renden, PG (Peter); Meeter, M (Martijn); Schoonmade, LJ (Linda); Krage, R (Ralf); Schuppen, H (Hans) van; Croix, A (Anne) de la
Dutch social housing for the elderly with health care needs at home
Druijff, AHS (Bertien) (Student)
Paper Perceptions of Hospitality and Safety are Two Sides of the Same Coin
van Sprang, H. (Hester) (Researcher); Groen, B.H. (Brenda) (Lector)
Participative evaluation of Sustainable Urban Drainage systems with ClimateCafé Malmö
Boogaard, Floris; Venvik, Guri