Effect Evaluation of a Self-Management Program for Dutch Workers with a Chronic Somatic Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Sarah Detaille; Yvonne Heerkens; Josephine Engels; J. van der Gulden; F. van Dijk
Parameter verification of a hybrid MRI Hyperthermia applicator
P. Baronner (Student); M.C. Vloemans (Begeleider); A.M. Notenboom (Begeleider)
The deployment of enriched capacities
Zinsmeister, Joop; Meerman, Martha
Healthcare among migrant female sex workers : a case study in Eastleigh and Majengo slums, Nairobi County, Kenya
Ngicho, M.A.A. (Student); Kingma, K.
Factors influencing intergenerational learning
Donald Ropes (Lid Lectoraat); Antonia Ypsilanti
Org 214007-0
van Lierop, Marie-José C; Alkema, Wynand; Laskewitz, Anke J; Dijkema, Rein; van der Maaden, Hans M; Smit, Martin J; Plate, Ralf; Conti, Paolo G M; Jans, Christan G J M; Timmers, C Marco; van Boeckel, Constant A A; Lusher, Scott J; McGuire, Ross; van Schaik, Rene C; de Vlieg, Jacob; Smeets, Ruben L; Hofstra, Claudia L; Boots, Annemieke M H; van Duin, Marcel; Ingelse, Benno A; Schoonen, Willem G E J; Grefhorst, Aldo; van Dijk, Theo H; Kuipers, Folkert; Dokter, Wim H A
Are Dutch patients willing to be seen by a physician assistant instead of a medical doctor?
Kuilman, Luppo; Nieweg, Roos; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Strijbos, Jaap H; Hooker, Roderick S
Development of an artificial foot enabling the simulation of the natural behaviour of the human unroll of the foot during walking and running
H. Vertommen; E. de Raeve; W. Dewindt; Cl Van den Bosch; Fred Holtkamp (Docent); Louis Peeraer (Lector)
Molecular pathway profiling of T lymphocyte signal transduction pathways; Th1 and Th2 genomic fingerprints are defined by TCR and CD28-mediated signaling
Smeets, Ruben L; Fleuren, Wilco W M; He, Xuehui; Vink, Paul M; Wijnands, Frank; Gorecka, Monika; Klop, Henri; Bauerschmidt, Sussane; Garritsen, Anja; Koenen, Hans J P M; Joosten, Irma; Boots, Annemieke M H; Alkema, Wynand