Adaptive computational thinking
Braad, Eelco; Faber, Hylke (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); Degens, Nick; Wierdsma, Menno
Exploring design decisions in interactive narrative games for behaviour change: a case study
Bril, Ivo; Degens, Nick; Folkerts, Jef
Putting the long-term into behavior change
de Weerd, Harmen; Degens, Nick
Workshop: draagt technologie bij tot een gezonde samenleving?
Degens, Nick; Wiltens, Egbert
Workshop: Systematisch ontwerpen
Degens, Nick
The next step in educational online platforms (from the perspective of the Verwonderpaspoort)
Degens, Nick; Braad, Eelco
Eindrapportage Innovation Challenge
Braad, Eelco; Faber, Hylke (Diversiteit In Leren En Gedrag); Degens, Nick; Wierdsma, Menno
By accident or design
Degens, Nick
Designing persuasive technology
Degens, Nick