A pilot randomized controlled trial of exercise to improve cognitive performance in patients with stable glioma
Gehring, Karin; Stuiver, Martijn M; Visser, Eva; Kloek, Corelien; van den Bent, Martin; Hanse, Monique; Tijssen, Cees; Rutten, Geert-Jan; Taphoorn, Martin J B; Aaronson, Neil K; Sitskoorn, Margriet M
An international perspective on integrating physiotherapists in oncology care
Stuiver, Martijn M; Stout, Nicole L; Dennett, Amy M; Speksnijder, Caroline M; Campbell, Kristin L
Physical problems, functional limitations, and preferences for physical therapist-guided exercise programs among Dutch patients with metastatic breast cancer: a mixed methods study
ten Tusscher, M.R.; Groen, W.G.; Geleijn, E.; Sonke, G.S.; Konings, I. R.; Van der Vorst, M. J.; van Zweeden, A.; Aaronson, N. K.; Stuiver, Martijn M.
Study protocol of a prospective multicenter study comparing (cost-)effectiveness of a tailored interdisciplinary head and neck rehabilitation program to usual supportive care for patients treated with concomitant chemo- or bioradiotherapy
Beck, Ann-Jean C C; Passchier, Ellen; Retèl, Valesca P; Stuiver, Martijn M (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van der Molen, Lisette; Klop, Willem M C; Navran, Arash; van Harten, Wim H; van den Brekel, Michiel W M
In-Hospital Mobilization, Physical Fitness, and Physical Functioning After Lung Cancer Surgery
van der Leeden, Marike; Balland, Chloé; Geleijn, Edwin; Huijsmans, Rosalie J.; Dekker, Joost; Paul, Marinus A.; Dickhoff, Chris; Stuiver, Martijn M. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Effect of physical exercise on cognitive function and brain measures after chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer (PAM study): protocol of a randomised controlled trial
Witlox, Lenja; Schagen, Sanne B; de Ruiter, Michiel B; Geerlings, Mirjam I; Peeters, Petra H M; Koevoets, Emmie W; van der Wall, Elsken; Stuiver, Martijn (Faculteit Gezondheid); Sonke, Gabe; Velthuis, Miranda J; Palen, Job A M van der; Jobsen, Jan J; May, Anne M; Monninkhof, E M
Exercise is medicine in oncology
Schmitz, Kathryn H; Campbell, Anna M; Stuiver, Martijn M; Pinto, Bernardine M; Schwartz, Anna L; Morris, G Stephen; Ligibel, Jennifer A; Cheville, Andrea; Galvão, Daniel A; Alfano, Catherine M; Patel, Alpa V; Hue, Trisha; Gerber, Lynn H; Sallis, Robert; Gusani, Niraj J; Stout, Nicole L; Chan, Leighton; Flowers, Fiona; Doyle, Colleen; Helmrich, Susan; Bain, William; Sokolof, Jonas; Winters-Stone, Kerri M; Campbell, Kristin L; Matthews, Charles E
Sarcopenia, a strong determinant for prolonged feeding tube dependency after chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Karsten, Rebecca T.; Al-Mamgani, Abrahim; Bril, Sandra I.; Tjon-A-Joe, Sheena; van der Molen, Lisette; de Boer, Jan P.; Hilgers, Frans J. M.; Smeele, Ludi E.; van den Brekel, Michiel W. M.; Stuiver, Martijn M.
Structurering klinisch redeneerproces
van der Leeden, Marike; Stuiver, Martijn (Faculteit Gezondheid); Huijsmans, Rosalie; Geleijn, Edwin; de Rooij, Mariëtte; Dekker, Joost
Mapping the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-H&N35 to the EQ-5D for head and neck cancer
Beck, Ann-Jean C C; Kieffer, Jacobien M; Retèl, Valesca P; van Overveld, Lydia F J; Takes, Robert P; van den Brekel, Michiel W M; van Harten, Wim H; Stuiver, Martijn M (Lectoraat Functioneel Herstel Bij Kanker)