Energieterugwinning uit warme kaslucht voor Noorden West-Europese tomatenteelt
Hoes, S. (Student); Gehner, B.
Machine Learning Method and Visible Light-Based Sensors for Multiinterface Level Measurement
Rocha, Helder; Natale, Ricardo; Estevão, Arthur C.; Louzada, Danilo M.; Leal-Junior, Arnaldo G.; Abou Dargham, Sara (Sensors And Smart Systems); Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Lima Silva, J.A.
Het groene voorbeeld
Wijnands, C. (Student); Meijer, J.A.A.
Using Machine Learning Approaches to Localization in an Embedded System on RobotAtFactory 4.0 Competition: A Case Study
Klein, Luan C.; Braun, João; Martins, Felipe N. (Sensors And Smart Systems); Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Oliveira, André Schneider de; Mendes, João; Pinto, Vítor H.; Costa, Paulo; Lima, José
NXTGEN Autonomous Factory
Groenboom, Rix (New Business & Ict); D'Souza, Austin (New Business & Ict); Braad, Eelco; Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems)
A Machine Learning Approach to Robot Localization Using Fiducial Markers in RobotAtFactory 4.0 Competition
Klein, Luan Carlos; Braun, João; Mendes, João; Pinto, Vítor H.; Martins, Felipe (Sensors And Smart Systems); Schneider de Oliveira, André; Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Gomes Costa, Paulo; Lima, José
Ghaffarinejad, Ali (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Increasing the reach of visible light communication links through constant-envelope OFDM signals
Camporez, Higor; Pontes, Maria; Segatto, Marcela; Rocha, Helder; Silva, Jair; Hinrichs, Malte; Paraskevopoulos, Anagnostis; Jungnickel, Volker; Freund, Ronald; Da Silva Costa, Wesley (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Performance Evaluation of a Simplified Power-Domain NOMA for Visible Light Communications
Silva, Jair A. Lima; P. Lebarck Pizzaia, João; Fim Camporez, Higor A.; Pontes, Maria J.; De Oliveira Rocha, Helder R.; Vieria Segatto, Marcelo E.; Da Silva Costa, Wesley
Ghaffarinejad, Ali (Sensors And Smart Systems)