Multimodal narrative as an instrument for social change
Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Associate Lector); Esperanza Morales-López (Onderzoeker)
Artists and designers as agents of change
Barnard, Bart; van Dartel, Michel; Beekman, Nathalie; Lindeman, Klaas Pieter; Nigten, Anne
Processpatching: connecting creative R&D
Nigten, Anne
Kwaliteitsverantwoordelijke moet ook zelf veranderen
PhD. Everard van Kemenade
Creating a world for socio-cultural agents
Degens, Nick; Hofstede, Gert Jan; Mc Breen, John; Beulens, Adrie; Mascarenas, Samuel; Ferreira, Nuno; Paiva, Ana; Bosse, Tibor; Broekens, Joost; Dias, João; van der Zwaan, Janneke
Socioperception and the Emergence of an Economy of Meaning The Key Role of Socioperceptive People in Transforming Organisations and Society
Alain de Vulpian; Tonnie van der Zouwen (Lector)
Agents of Change: Strategy and Tactics for Social Innovation
Reinhard de Jong; Frans Nauta; Sanderijn Cels
High ambitions in developing transformative and collaborative change agents by Master's research.
dr Jacqueline van Swet (Lector); dr Doreen Admiraal (Docent)
Methods for environmental change; an exploratory study
Nell Gottlieb; Robert Panne; Chris Smerecnik (Docent); Gerjo Kok
Entrepreneurs as Agents of Change
D. (Damon) Hassanpur Golriz (Lid Lectoraat); S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector); H.J. (Henk) Schout (Lid Lectoraat)