Onderzoek naar waardevolle klantbeleving voor specialistische detailhandels uit de branches luxe levensmiddelen en kleding
Evelien van Puffelen (Student)
Internal Communication Strategy (CIBANK Bulgaria)
Roger Lazenby; Radoslav I. Tsvetkov (Student); Carla Wood-Oostveen
A research study into the identity and image of Borre Leesclub
Hannah Louise van Otterloo (Student)
Turning downtime into prime-time: A monetizing strategy
Michelle Tjia (Student)
Exploring the success of an integrated primary care partnership
Valentijn, Pim P (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc)); Vrijhoef, Hubertus J M; Ruwaard, Dirk; de Bont, Antoinette; Arends, Rosa Y; Bruijnzeels, Marc A
An Insight into Firm Perspective on the Use of Electronic Word-of-Mouth
D.C. Nevels (Docent); G. Duysters
Veranderende grondexploitatiemodellen
Simone van Ee (Student); Jan Jaap de Kroes (Begeleider); Emelieke Huisman (Begeleider)
Creating a world for socio-cultural agents
Degens, Nick; Hofstede, Gert Jan; Mc Breen, John; Beulens, Adrie; Mascarenas, Samuel; Ferreira, Nuno; Paiva, Ana; Bosse, Tibor; Broekens, Joost; Dias, João; van der Zwaan, Janneke
The innovative performance of SMEs
S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector); Frank van der Kroon (Lid Lectoraat); Albert Kraaij (Lid Lectoraat)
Extending the concept and modularization of project management maturity with adaptable, human and customer factors
Beverly Pasian (Lid Lectoraat)