Four spaces of civic literacy education
A.A.J. (Jos) van Helvoort (Lid Lectoraat)
Towards the second cycle of PIAAC
Kees Hoogland (Onderzoeker); Terry Maguire (Onderzoeker); Javier Diez-Palomar (Onderzoeker)
Validation of the short assessment of health literacy (SAHL-D) and short-form development: Rasch analysis
Anke Woudstra; Corine Meppelink; Henk Pander Maat; Janke Oosterhaven (Lid Lectoraat); Mirjam Fransen; Alexandra Dima
Expert views of children’s knowledge needs regarding parental mental illness
Grove, Christine; Riebschleger, Joanne; Bosch, Annick; Cavanaugh, Daniel; van der Ende, P.C.
Ethnic Differences in Colon Cancer Care in the Netherlands
Majda Lamkaddem (Lid Lectoraat); M. A. G. Elferink; M. C. Seeleman; E. Dekker; C. J. A. Punt; O. Visser; M. L. Essink-Bot
The Role of the Social Network in Access to Psychosocial Services for Migrant Elderly
Daphne Schoenmakers; Majda Lamkaddem (Lid Lectoraat); Jeanine Suurmond
Progress in Reading and Spelling of Dyslexic Children is Not Affected by Executive Functioning
Walda, S.A.E (Sietske) (Researcher); Weerdenburg, M. (Marjolijn) van (Researcher); Wijnants, M.L. (Maarten) (Researcher); Bosman, A.M.T. (Anna) (Researcher)
Facebook use, previous education and subjective study success in higher education
Wesseling, N. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Information workers and their personal information management: a literature review
A.A.J. (Jos) van Helvoort (Docent)