Trends in Daily Heart Rate Variability Fluctuations Are Associated with Longitudinal Changes in Stress and Somatisation in Police Officers
de Vries, Herman; Kamphuis, Wim; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Sanderman, Robbert; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand (Digital Health)
Researching Language Attitudes in Signing Communities
Annelies Kusters (Onderzoeker); Maartje de Meulder (Onderzoeker); Erin Moriarty (Onderzoeker)
The tremors of interconnected triggers over time: How psychological contract breach can erupt
Hermien E. Wiechers (Onderzoeker); Jacqueline A.-M. Coyle-Shapiro (Onderzoeker); Xander Lub (Lector); Steven ten Have (Onderzoeker)
Journalistic Storytelling for Complexity
Jorge Vázquez-Herrero (Onderzoeker); Yael de Haan (Lector)
Entrepreneurial recovery and re-emergence: learning from failure
Alvarado Valenzuela, JuanFra (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Maniatopoulos, Gregory
Investigating the emergence of customer orientation by analyzing a co-creation servitization project between a Dutch supplier and a German customer.
Jean Louis Steevensz (Lector)
Inspiratiesessie Healthy Workplace: Digitization of the workplace
Mars, Saskia; Rooks, Sven ; van Dellen, Sjoukje; Gielgen, Raphaël ; Jaspers, Erik
General Feasibility Report
Julie-Marthe Lehmann (Lid Lectoraat)
Moderation of the Stressor-Strain Process in Interns by Heart Rate Variability Measured With a Wearable and Smartphone App:
de Vries, Herman; Kamphuis, Wim; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand (Digital Health); van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Sanderman, Robbert
Dialogues in Sustainable HRM
Jan Willem Nuis (Lid Lectoraat); Pascale Peters; Rob Blomme; Henk Kievit (Lector)