Zocht je misschien: emotionele?
Challenges of combining work and unpaid care, and solutions
Alice Spann; Joana Vicente; Camille Allard; Mark Hawley; Marieke Spreeuwenberg (Lid Lectoraat); Luc de Witte
In praise of folly
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
People with activity limitations’ perceptions of their health condition and their relationships with social participation and experienced autonomy
T. Meulenkamp; M. Rijken; M. Cardol; A.L. Francke; J. Rademakers
Paper' 'Emogram
Os , G (Gerard) van (Researcher)
Nutrition assessment in process-driven, personalized dietetic intervention - The potential importance of assessing behavioural components to improve behavioural change
Kohlenberg-Müller, Kathrin; Ramminger, Sara; Kolm, Alexandra; Barkmeijer, Alyanne; Gast, Christina; Adam, Marleen; Le Bruyn, Bente; Heine-Bröring, Renate; Rachman-Elbaum, Shelly; Werkman, Andrea; Vanherle, Koen; Höld, Elisabeth; Wewerka-Kreimel, Daniela; Valentini, Luzia
A framework for climate change engagement through video games
Ouariachi, Tania (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Olvera-Lobo, María Dolores; Gutiérrez Pérez, José; Maibach, Edward
Personally perceived publication pressure: revising the Publication Pressure Questionnaire (PPQ) by using work stress models
Haven, Tamarinde L.; de Goede, Marije Esther Evalien; Tijdink, Joeri K.; Oort, Frans Jeroen
Struggles for success
Abdallah, Sebastian; Duyvendak, Jan Willem; Paulle, Bowen
Sitting duck or scaredy-cat
Nieuwenhuys, Arne; Weber, Jeroen; van der Hoeve, Roy; Oudejans, Raôul R.D.
Developing a core outcome-domain set to assessing effectiveness of interdisciplinary multimodal pain therapy
Ulrike Kaiser; Christian Kopkow; Stefanie Deckert; Katrin Neustadt; Lena Jacobi; Paul Cameron; Valerio de Angelis; Christian Apfelbacher; Bernhard Arnold; Judy Birch; Anna Bjarnegaard; Sandra Christiansen; Amanda C de C Williams; Gudrun Gossrau; Andrea Heinks; Michael Hüppe; Ursula Kleinert; Paolo Martelletti; Lance McCracken; Nelleke de Meij; Bernd Nagel; Jo Nijs; Heike Norda; Jasvinder A. Singh; Ellen Spengler; Caroline B. Terwee; Peter Tugwell; Johan W.S. Vlaeyen; Heike Wandrey; Edmund Neugebauer; Rainer Sabatowski; Jochen Schmitt