Sustainability and online grocery
Anna Sipos (Student)
Effectiveness and experiences of the SMILES' Workshops
E. I. (Elke) Müller (Onderzoeker); Anne-Katelijne Rotteveel (Onderzoeker)
A Legislative Amendment Within Dutch Mental Healthcare Increases the Administrative Burden
Arjen Maris (Onderzoeker); Henny van Gaalen (Onderzoeker); Viktor Buwalda (Onderzoeker)
Same same, but different..?
Meister-Broekema, Peter (Living Environment In Transition); Bulder, Elisabeth (Living Environment In Transition); Horlings, Lummina G.
Experiences of interaction between people with cancer and their healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies
Collet, Romain; Major, Mel (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van Egmond, Maarten (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van der Leeden, Marike; Maccow, Rhea; Eskes, Anne (Lectoraat Patiënt- En Familieparticipatie In De Klinische Zorg); Stuiver, Martijn (Lectoraat Functioneel Herstel Bij Kanker)
How to Reduce Mental Health Concerns Among Students in the Post-COVID-19 Universities – An Empirical Analysis of HAN International School of Business
Amir Moradi; Vanessa Gerlach; Nicole Osentoski
The Book Fair Game: teaching international rights trading in a shared module
Leighton, Rose (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Biesma, Lieke (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Silk, Polly
Simulating industrial symbiosis
Lange, Kasper Pieter Hendrik (City Net Zero); Herder, Paulien; Korevaar, Gijsbert; Oskam, Inge
Protection Biodiversity
Niklas Meisel (Student); Khalid Raihan (Begeleider); Daniel Piegeler (Begeleider)
Lessons from the forest to improve urban water management and biodiversity
Nehizena , O. (Student); Merién, D.