Zocht je misschien: experimental?
Social Innovation using the Best Practice Unit model
Jean Pierre Wilken (Lector)
The Best Practice Unit: a model for learning, research and development
Jean Pierre Wilken (Lector); Sascha van Gijzel; Carla van Slagmaat
Developing a human-centered attitude through experiental learning
Bas Leurs (Docent); Ingrid Mulder (Lector); Peter van Waart (Docent)
The experiential learning process in farmer field school in rice production innovation : a case of Ruanda - Majenje irrigation scheme in Mbarali district, Tanzania
Talibo, M.C. (Student); Moor, I.R. de; Baars, R.M.T.
Factors influencing effective learning in instructional skill training for vocational instructors : learning for change : a case of Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI), Bhaktapur, Nepal
Neupane, S.K. (Student); Koucher, A.; Witteveen, L.
Conscious action through conscious thinking
Benammar, Karim