Denk je zèlf! Developing a personalised virtual coach for emotional eaters using personas
Dol, Aranka (New Business & Ict); Kulyk, Olga; Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict); van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette; van Strien, Tatjana
The foundations of career resilience
Reinekke Lengelle (Lid Lectoraat); B.I.J.M van der Heijden; F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lid Lectoraat)
Growing up with a chronic condition: challenges for self-management and self-management support
Dr. J.N.T. Sattoe (Lid Lectoraat)
Testing times
M.A.C.T. (Marinka) Kuijpers (Lector); F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lector); Deirdre Hughes
Advertisements in dutch glossy magazines that contribute to a negative body image and low bodyesteem among women
Sacha Floranus (Student)
'Skills for growing up': supporting autonomy in young people with kidney disease
A.L. van Staa (Lector); M.A.C. Peeters (Lid Lectoraat); J.N.T. Sattoe (Docent); S.R. Hilberink (Lid Lectoraat)
The road to independence: Lived experiences of youth with chronic conditions and their parents compared
Dr. S.R. Hilberink (Lid Lectoraat); Dr. A.L. van Staa (Lector); MSc M.A.C. Peeters (Lid Lectoraat)
Professionalizing management accounting and control at small healthcare organizations : a case study
Peter Willemstein; Michiel van der Ven (Lid Lectoraat); Johan Versendaal; Johan Versendaal (Lector)
Let's say goodbye
Hermann, I. (Inge) (Researcher)
Vero Moda expanding in the Asian region
Sarah Mangar (Student)