Visie op Talent Tool
Peter Bos (Associate Lector); Marian Thunnissen (Lector)
Het rimpeleffect; hoe je met 23 logopedisten in enkele maanden tijd 1000 personen kan bereiken
C.A.M. Neijenhuis
LIMINA: Logos In Multilingual INterAction - a multidimensional study on multilingual communication in interactions in speech language therapy
S. Twilt; C.A.M. Neijenhuis; J. ten Thije; R. de Graaff
Identiteitsversterkend handelen in de pleegzorg: een handreiking voor pleegzorgprofessionals
C.J. Degener
Aansluiten bij zingeving van de patiënt: hoe leer je dat?
S.H.A. Hupkens; M.J.B.M. Goumans
Impact of COVID-19 on care at the end of life during the first months of the pandemic from the perspective of healthcare professionals from different settings: a qualitative interview study (the CO-LIVE study)
M.S. Zee; L. Bagchus; Y.N. Becqué; F.E. Witkamp; A. van der Heide; L.G.G. van Lent; A. Goossensen; I.J. Korfage; B.D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen; H.R. Pasman
Lessons learned in cases of late preterm mortality in the Netherlands: results from nationwide perinatal audits, a mixed method study
L. Baauw; A.N. Rosman; T.H. van den Akker
The impact of a professional social robot implementation on guest perception in a hotel front office environment
Paul Werner (Student); Ronny Villanueva (Stafmedewerker)
The role of robotization in work design
Berkers, Hannah A. (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership); Rispens, Sonja; Le Blanc, Pascale M.