From grey to green infrastructure in a changing climate
Boogaard, Floris (Climate Adaptation); Bremer, Scott; Wardekker, Arjan
What matters most: Exploring the everyday lives of people with dementia
Jacoba Huizenga (Onderzoeker); Aukelien Scheffelaar; Nienke Bleijenberg (Onderzoeker); Jean-Pierre Wilken (Lector); John Keady; Tine van Regenmortel
Public Square as Personification of Society
Carmine Papa (Student)
Ten questions concerning age-friendly cities and communities and the built environment
Joost van Hoof (Lector); Hannah R. Marston (Onderzoeker); Jan K. Kazak (Onderzoeker); T. Buffel (Onderzoeker)
Anne Wies (Student)
Crises & Commercial real estate
Stef Koning (Student); F.G.L. Joosstens (Docent)
Towards a leadership model for managing social change in maintenance networks
Johannes, Koos; Voordijk, Hans; Wakkee, Ingrid (Kenniscentrum Fbe); Aranda-Mena, Guillermo
Problems, mistakes and good practices in community participation in local renewable energy projects
K.F. (Karel) Mulder (Lector)
How can The Hague Summer School at The Hague University of Applied Sciences attract more partner university students?
Anna Saveleva-Maksimik (Student); Agota Szabo (Begeleider)
How can DIYS Soap improve its brand awareness in the Netherlands?
Midori Ueda (Student); Steven Asei-Dantoni (Begeleider)